Walking Sat Nam Meditation

Walking meditation on the salt lake

Walking meditation We all have moments in life where we feel overwhelmed and busy. Thoughts and worries are arising. If you are worried or have a busy mind, you might like to try this walking meditation. It is simple yet effective. First of all, take a moment to focus all your attention towards yourself, your body and your breath. Observe how your body is feeling; are there any tensions, is […]


Esoteric language of our hands Mudras are hand gestures and hand movements. They are often used in combination with breathing exercises (pranayama), mantras and specific postures in a kriya. The word ‘Mudra’ is Sanskrit and literally means ‘seal’. A mudra is an expression of the esoteric language of the hands. They are thousands of years old. The movements and gestures are connected to the Prana or energy flow in your body […]

Journey Therapy

Journey Therapy

In my practice on Sardinia and in The Netherlands I work with the Journey Method, developed by Brandon Bays. This is a powerful and effective, yet simple process. During a Journey session the opportunity is given to rid yourself of old burdens, often related to memories that have not yet been fully processed, or have nested in our bodies. You will let go of emotional, mental and physical unhealthy luggage […]