
“I visited Marlies in Sardinia for 4 days and wanted to learn more about myself, my reactions in situations and possible alternative behaviors during this stay. We had a varied program consisting of yoga, mediation, intensive Journey therapies in sessions lasting several hours and coaching conversations on personal areas of life. It was precisely this mixture that made it possible for me to experience good inspiration and to make real changes for my everyday life and my life as a husband, father and boss in the company. We will stay in regular contact in order to consolidate the patterns and to be able to talk about current developments. This experience with Marlies has brought me and those around me a lot of positive development, communication has benefited and the intrinsically motivated change in mindset is working!”

– Sebastian, Dentist, Germany

“The four days I was able to spend with Marlies in a private retreat with Journey therapy were a very special time, a gift to myself. Marlies radiates a calmness, experience and non-judgemental attentiveness that made it very easy for me to open up to her and engage in deep conversations and a dialogue with myself. It was a wonderful and important experience at a point in my life when I needed exactly this kind of calm, this kind of support and this kind of company. Thank you so much, Marlies! I will definitely be back.”

– Isabelle, CEO & Co-Founder at PANDA The Women Leadership Network and CEO & Founder Employers for Equality, Mediator and Speaker, Germany

“My Journey process with Marlies was magical. We worked on a topic that has negatively affected me for a long time. During the Journey process, I felt absolutely comfortable, understood and seen. Marlies has guided me through my feelings, fears and thoughts in a very loving and calm way. I can definitely recommend doing a Journey process with Marlies, it has helped me a lot and I also learned techniques to handle situations of fear and pain on my own. Marlies is a very loving, heartfelt and trustworthy person, I really enjoyed working with her!”

– Marisa, Teacher English, Germany

“I chose to do a Journey Process out of curiosity. I have been searching for the keys to serenity for a long time and I have never found truly effective help to achieve inner peace. Then I met Marlies and her business and I became so intrigued that I wanted to try the experience of a Journey with her. I didn’t really know what I was getting into but I needed something to help me feel really good about myself. And it was a revelation! I spent a full day with Marlies who was exceptional at guiding me through my emotions and I came out from the process “healed” from the wounds of my past. My family and work life is visibly improving because I feel a peace inside that I never really felt. I truly thank Marlies for her professionalism, patience and infinite sweetness and I recommend everyone to try this absolutely beautiful experience at least once. I’ll do it again!”

– Christine, Teacher French at secondary school, Sardinia

“Ho scelto di fare un Journey Process per curiosita’. Sono da tempo alla ricerca delle chiavi della serenità e non ho mai trovato un aiuto davvero efficace per raggiungere la pace interiore. Poi ho conosciuto Marlies e la sua attività e mi sono incuriosita a un punto tale da voler provare l’esperienza di un Journey con lei. Non sapevo bene a che cosa andavo incontro ma avevo bisogno di qualcosa che mi aiutasse a stare davvero bene con me stessa. Ed è stata una rivelazione! Ho trascorso una giornata intera con Marlies che è stata eccezionale nel guidarmi attraverso le mie emozioni e sono uscita dal processo come “guarita” dalla ferite del mio passato. La mia vita familiare e lavorativa sta migliorando visibilmente perché sento dentro una pace che non sentivo mai veramente. Ringrazio davvero Marlies per la sua professionalita’, pazienza e dolcezza infinita e consiglio a tutti di provare almeno una volta quest’esperienza assolutamente bellissima. Io lo rifaro’ di nuovo!”

– Christine, Insegnante di francese nella scuola secondaria, Sardegna

“Practising yoga with Marlies was opening my heart like no other yoga lesson ever did before.”

– Petra, Traditional Chinese Medicine therapist and Reiki Master, Austria

“From the first moment when I arrived on Sardegna I knew this would be a complete different therapy experience than anything I have ever done before. With her open and warmhearted nature Marlies creates such a safe space, invites you to completely open up and reconnect with yourself in the most beautiful way.
One journey process gives you the opportunity to kind of reprogram yourself and leave you with a very glowing and also powerful feeling. After long years of carrying old baggage around, I finally feel free and able to dream big again.
In addition to that, the whole space where the retreat is located feels like a little paradise. Good food and surrounded by beautiful nature, it is a space where you really can relax and let all the new impressions do their work inside of you.
I am so grateful for this special experience and will come back as soon as possible!”

– Marie-Louise, Dentist, Germany

“I highly recommend a retreat with Marlies. It was amazing. The coaching sessions and yoga classes helped me to transform important blockages in myself, my body and in my life. The excursions to special places where I felt an ancient energy made it more special. The location is like a little paradise. My friend and I felt home with Marlies. Beautiful soul, beautiful island with a hidden spiritual history. I want to go back.”

– Hanna, Graduated student MSc Health Sciences, The Netherlands

“It was special, challenging and confrontating! This journey has given me time to find myself again, to get to new insights and to conquer myself.”

– Anne-Mieke, Project manager, Owner and Director Health Care Clinic, The Netherlands

“Marlies is a very committed therapist and coach, widely equipped and is 100% present for her client. She guides, among other things, Brandon Bays’ journey method in a way that had a deep impact on my life: she supports, confirms and inspires change, but also acceptance where necessary.”

– Pit, Life Planner & Money Coach, The Netherlands

“Events from the past, which influence actions in the present, were detected and immediately cleared up during the journey sessions during Marlies Wildeman’s retreat. Since then, I have been taking small and big steps in my life that contribute to my happiness. Marlies did this with a lot of respect for me and with room for everything I contribute.”

– Ilse, Facility manager, The Netherlands

“Marlies is a special woman. Also necessary for the type of coaching/guidance she offers through her retreats. She is empathetic, warm, goal-oriented, professional. Both during sessions and outside of them she is a pleasant person to be with. With her sixth sense for the needs and approach of each individual, she turns the intense experience of a coaching program into a wonderful experience that you as a participant can enjoy for a long time.”

– Madelon, Teacher elementary school, The Netherlands

“Marlies is very good at her job as a journey therapist and yoga teacher. Doing a retreat with her, Marlies helped me to get rid of the things that withheld me from living my life to the fullest. It also helped me to deal with my high sensitivity.”

– Evelyn, Coach, The Netherlands

“I can best describe Marlies as a warm, cordial, loving, empathetic and, above all, inspiring woman. Above all, she is a professional. She is a very experienced coach and journey therapist.

Marlies came my way years ago. From then on, I have (regularly) done a number of journeys and coaching sessions with her. In these sessions, past events that influenced the present were addressed, healed and cleared. This brought me closer to myself, my being, my source.
Marlies is such a wonderful therapist and she feels so good where you are in your process and what you need. For me it feels like a gift that Marlies came into my life.”

– Dorien, Teacher at elementary school, The Netherlands

“The retreats have given me a lot of insight that has allowed me to grow as a person. I have been able to change certain habits that I had that did not make me happy. I have also been able to give a place to experiences from my youth that were not pleasant for me.
I feel more in touch with myself and even though life is not always easy, I can really say that I am a very happy person. The sessions with Marlies have contributed a lot to this and I am very grateful to her for that.”

– Merel, PR & Communication Graphical designer, The Netherlands

“It was such a great retreat, one of the best weeks of my life. This retreat ment change for me: discovering my self love and choosing my life from this self love and self care. I am so thankful to have done this retreat.”

– Anniek, Physiotherapist, The Netherlands

“I am so happy and joyful that I participated the retreat, thank you for everything.”

– Sonja, Nurse, Germany

“Marlies is so special and she changed my world a little bit. I learned sooo much from my little journeys with her.”

– Helena, Sales Specialist Company Personal Insurance, Germany

“Our retreat was very special, Marlies is special. She is one of the most loving human beings that I know. She has a clear knowing and understanding. Grateful for the love.”

– Anna, Psychologist, The Netherlands

“During my first stay on the island of Sardinia I had daily private yoga classes with Marlies. After that I came back with my three siblings for daily yoga together and to each individually undergo a Journey therapy session. It was one full week of cleaning our minds, souls and bodies. Yoga with Marlies is much more than an exercise or stretching, it is a personal development. It is an individual lesson for your whole being: body and soul. She includes in her lessons many mantras, music and songs. My heart was touched from the first minute, because we started every day with a so called Journey card with an insightful message. This card in combination with Marlies’ questions brings you to a deep ‘workout’ with your personal life-questions. A Journey session fits perfectly with the daily yoga sessions, to clean old subconscious issues. The time with Marlies was an important step for my personal journey of life. Thank you!” 

– Helena, Insurance Key Account Manager and Business Coach, Germany

“Il mio “Private Retreat” con Marlies in Sardegna è stato un po’ come quando da bambino ho disegnato per la prima volta un cerchio. Tutto comincia in discesa, piano piano, senza stress. L’isola e l’hotel ti accolgono con calore e autentica semplicità: un fiorellino appena colto sul comodino, la frutta matura sulla tavola, gli asciugamani che profumano di fresco.
Poi tutto accelera perché Marlies con il “Journey process” ti porta la dove sono i tuoi limiti, la dove sa che bisogna arrivare e ad un certo punto ti ritrovi a testa in giù, sottosopra, con il cuore gonfio, pieno di emozioni che non aspettavano altro che di venire a galla.
Ma poi piano piano con lo yoga, i mantra, i mudra e le escursioni alla scoperta dell’anima più profonda della Sardegna Marlies ti prede per mano, ti aiuta a risalire, a scoprire la forza che è in te e improvvisamente, poco prima di partire, tutto tutto si fa chiaro. Ti ritrovi li, sotto il cielo stellato della Sardegna innamorato della vita, consapevole del fatto che tutto è assolutamente perfetto.
E così il cerchio si chiude permettendoti di ammirarlo nella sua assoluta perfezione durante il viaggio di ritorno verso casa.

Marlies è una persona speciale, di quelle che si incontrano raramente nella vita. È capace di ascoltare, di provocare e di consolare allo stesso tempo. Sempre con il sorriso sulle labbra e quella luce negli occhi, di chi sa dove sta andando e cosa sta facendo.

Grazie di cuore Marlies.”

– Elia, Consulenza e Turismo, Switserland

“My “Private Retreat” with Marlies in Sardinia was a bit like when I drew a circle for the first time as a child. It all starts downhill, slowly, without stress. The island and the hotel welcome you with warmth and authentic simplicity: a freshly picked flower on the bedside table, ripe fruit on the table, and towels that smell fresh.

Then everything accelerates because Marlies with the “Journey process” takes you to where your limits are, where it knows you need to get to, and at a certain point you find yourself upside down, upside down, with a swollen heart, full of emotions that were waiting for nothing more than to come to light.

But then little by little with yoga, mantras, mudras, and excursions to discover the deepest soul of Sardinia, Marlies takes you by the hand, helps you to climb back up, to discover the strength that is within you, and suddenly, just before leaving, everything becomes clear. You find yourself there, under the starry sky of Sardinia in love with life, aware of the fact that everything is absolutely perfect. And so the circle closes allowing you to admire it in its absolute perfection during the journey home. 

Marlies is a special person, one of those you rarely meet in life. She is capable of listening, provoking, and consoling at the same time. Always with a smile on her lips and that light in her eyes, of someone who knows where she is going and what she is doing. Thank you very much Marlies.”

– Elia, Consulting and Tourism, Switserland

“During my private retreat with Marlies I went through an important process. Marlies has a great overview and provides deep insights. In addition, she is also pleasant, warm and nice to be with. The coaching, yoga and excursions to beautiful places provide memorable experiences.
My retreat with Marlies will always remain a very special memory. Marlies, thank you and hopefully see you soon!”

– Hannah, Employee Client Administration, The Netherlands

“I experienced the session as a very helpfull coaching and I notice that I integrate the new insights into my daily life, something that gives me a lot of vitality. I feel very good. It feels like a spring cleaning in the summer! I notice that after the outdoor coaching I deal better with challenging situations, it works through in my relationship: no arguments in stressfull situations but improved and loving communication. After the coaching I feel much more vital and consciously choose healthy tasty food for myself and my family. This all happens very naturally without any pressure. I would like to continue with the yoga exercises because although I am not a fan of yoga, I loved these excercises so much. Thank you Marlies.” 
-Dorien, coach Family Constellations, The Netherlands
“It was an amazing, special and beautiful morning with a bit of magic from the island and magic from you. A wonderful place to be and undergo outdoor coaching. A wish came true by doing this! I get a tear while writing this because it was so special. The yoga coaching session gave me so much clarity. All came together in a clear way. I feel light and empowered!”
-Annelies, Teacher Elementary school, The Netherlands
“I had a wonderful retreat on the island of Sardinia and I really enjoyed Marlies’ private yoga coaching sessions, every evening at sunset time. The peacefulness of this place and Marlies’ beautiful soul were making it a perfect time out from everyday life.”
– Gabriele, Financial Controller, Switzerland
Sardinia Island Yoga focusses on creating beautiful retreats together with you through Kundalini Yoga teachings & meditation, personal outdoor coaching and Journey sessions. All in an amazing place surrounded by nature and sea. Personal growth, professional guidance and integrity are highly valuated by me.