
Free your mind

One of my passions in life are mantras. They are ancient, full of beauty and contain wisdom. They bring us inner peace. “Man” means mind and “tra” means to free from: free your mind. To chant a mantra helps you to silence the mind and enter the peace within. Mantra’s are written in Gurmukhi or Sanskrit, an old language from India that is no longer spoken.

The Adi mantra

We start every yoga lesson with the same mantra, the Adi mantra, that is always used in Kundalini yoga to tune into this moment. To get all of the awareness on one’s self, the body and the breath. It sets the energy of the class and is considered to be an important part of the Kundalini teaching. The Adi mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo, freely translated means: Infinite creative consciousness (Ong) I greet you, I bow to you (Namo). Divine wisdom in me (Guru Dev), I greet you, I bow to you (Namo).

Sat Nam

During the class, depending on which subject we address, and which part of the body we focus on, the Kundalini yoga provides a mantra that deepens your practise. A simple example is the use of “Sat Nam”. “Sat” means truth and “nam” means identity: my true identity is truth, I am Truth. During inhaling, you internally chant “Sat” and during exhaling you chant “Nam”.

Breathing in and out is related to moving the body. For example while breathing in and chanting Sat, you move your head and upper part of the body to the left and look backwards over your shoulder (sitting in lotus position or easy pose). Breathing out and chanting Nam you move your head and upper part of your body to the right. This is just one example of how to use mantra’s during the kriya.

Sacred words and vibrations

Mantra’s are considered to be sacred and help you on your journey to awareness. They have specific vibrations that connect with the energy in your body and your energie field. By chanting, the tongue touches the roof of the mouth where the energy points lie, and these are connected to our energy lines and nervous system. Indirectly you stimulate the energy to flow through your body. This results in more creativity, vitality and awakens your Kundalini energy as a natural consequence.

Who am I

For me it feels like reminding myself who I really am. Which is not my body, thoughts, emotions or the situations I am in. But something more than all of that, more expansive. Like the ocean with the waves coming and going. We are the ocean, an infinite potential. And our thoughts, emotions and situations are the waves: coming and going. Singing mantras also helps me to stay in the moment when thoughts come and my mind is drifting off. It connects me to a deeper truth of who I am and to my connection with the Universe. I also love the silence after chanting. To sit still in this silence is simply beautiful.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

One of my favorite mantras is Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu: may all beings be happy and free.

Mantra’s and other music used during our yoga classes: 

Gayatri mantra – Deva Premal

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu – Deva Premal

Long Time Sun – Snatam Kaur

Ad Guray Nameh – Nirinjan Kaur

Mul Mantra – Snatam Kaur

Ong Namo – Snatam Kaur

Govinda Hare – Krishna Das

Mere Gurudev – Krishna Das

One Step at a Time – Miten

In the Light of Love – Deva Premal, Miten

I Am Light – India Arie

Spring and Autumn Mantra Get Together in the mountains

Are you interested in singing mantra’s in nature? Every Spring and Autumn I organise a simple get together in the mountains of Pula to sing. You only have to bring your own yoga mat (or beach towel) or meditation pillow and a bottle of water. The morning includes a delicious cake, a meditation and singing together. Costs: 20 euro per person. Time: 9.00 – 12.30 a.m. To subscribe please fill in the form below. 

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Sardinia Island Yoga focusses on creating beautiful retreats together with you through Kundalini Yoga teachings & meditation, personal outdoor coaching and Journey sessions. All in an amazing place surrounded by nature and sea. Personal growth, professional guidance and integrity are highly valuated by me.