“That pure consciousness which shines as “I am” when the mind becomes calm, is the supreme bliss.” Rumi

Kundalini yoga teacher Marlies Wildeman / Siri Shiva Kaur

Kundalini yoga is also called the ‘mother’ of all yoga’s, the yoga of consciousness, awareness.

“Kundalini yoga classes are a dynamic blend of postures, pranayama, mantra, music and meditation, which teach you the art of relaxation, self-healing and elevation. Balancing body and mind enables you to experience the clarity and beauty of your soul.” ~Yogi Bhajan.

In Sanskrit (ancient Indian language) yoga means 'unify': from its origin yoga has the goal to unify you with the Divine, by controlling the body and the mind.

This type of yoga uses meditations, asana's (body postures), mudras (hand positions), mantras, relaxation and pranayama (breathing exersises) to stimulate the vital energy, and of course to experience the peace within.

But what is Kundalini? Kundalini means life force and is believed to reside undown of the spine. By practising yoga this energy will flow more freely up between the spinal column and the pineal gland. It immediately gives you more energy, connects you to your creativity, intuition and provides physical and mental relaxation.

It is not about how perfect your pose is, but how it feels inside your body. Your experience in a position, in a meditation, in a breathing exercise is important. To listen to your body, to become more aware of what you feel inside of your body in this moment, without any judgement but from an observers point of view. Or even to observe the judgements without attaching any value to them. Everything is perfect how it is, this is the starting point.

The sequences of the postures, the movements, the breathing and meditations are not just random. They all have a purpose and have been passed down teacher to teacher for thousands of years.

Kundalini is also about sience of angles and triangles. Every angle that we hold in our body has a corresponding energetic effect, because the muscles are putting pressure on a specific part of the body. For example when we lift our legs 30 degrees, that has an effect on our navel centre. When we lift our arms 60 degrees, that has an effect on our heart and our lungs.

Very precisely we combine breath, mudra, focus of the eyes, mantra and bandha (locking a part of our body by contracting particular muscles) and poses to strengthen our nervous system, balance our glandular system, to increase our lung capacity and detox our blood. It can help you to be more flexible. And of course to relax deeply... to create more space in your body and your mind!

In every class we will use a different kriya. Kriya's are dynamic exersises to enhance the flexibility and to 'wake up' your body. So every yoga lesson is different because of the focus on another part of the body. For example the digestive system, the lymphatic system, the lungs, the nervous system, your heart or the spinal column. After the kriya, we have time for deep relaxation. Every class ends with an active meditation like pranayama or a mantra.

Exprience is not necessary, if you are a beginner you can follow your own rythm. The classes are suitable for men, women and young people.




Sardinia Island Yoga focusses on creating beautiful retreats together with you through Kundalini Yoga teachings & meditation, personal outdoor coaching and Journey sessions. All in an amazing place surrounded by nature and sea. Personal growth, professional guidance and integrity are highly valuated by me.