Journey Therapy

Journey Therapy

In my practice on Sardinia and in The Netherlands I work with the Journey Method, developed by Brandon Bays. This is a powerful and effective, yet simple process. During a Journey session the opportunity is given to rid yourself of old burdens, often related to memories that have not yet been fully processed, or have nested in our bodies. You will let go of emotional, mental and physical unhealthy luggage or basically clutter of any kind.

How does it work?

A Journey session is an effective way to rid yourself of old burdens resulting in a stance in life that is more free. You do not have to continue carrying this emotional or mental luggage. During a session you gain access to specific memories that have created emotional or physical burdens in your life. This is achieved by guided visualisation during which these old memories are dealt with and let go of.

The Journey session is completely guided. You are seated in a chair and are totally consciously present. The therapist will ask you questions and the Journey develops in a natural way based on your answers. The beauty of this kind of therapy is that you discover your own answers. Nobody fills in the answers for you, you remain in control and take responsibility. Naturally, during your journey you will encounter inner saboteurs, defence mechanisms and resistance. These serve to protect ourselves, but often prove to no longer be effective in daily life. These patterns come to surface, are acknowledged and transformed.

Healing at a cellular level

Much research has been done on the effects of emotions on our bodies and our cells. There is a close relationship between the emotions we experience and the reactions of the cells in our bodies. Cells renew continuously within our bodies, but certain physical symptoms and patterns remain. This is because each cell has a cellular memory which is passed on to new cells. We can think of our bodies as a transport device filled with emotions, locked in our cells. If during an emotional peak this emotion is supressed, the cell receptor closes and the memory associated with this strong emotion is stored in the cell, causing these emotions to return and the problem to persist. By going back to these memories and associated emotions, issues can be resolved.

In a journey session you allow the feelings and emotions back in again. Not to wallow in them, to dramatize or analyse them, but to welcome and consequently let go of them.


Children are known to alternate between emotions rapidly. This is because they still react authentically to feelings. They allow these feelings in and let go of them. For example, if a child is told it cannot have a sweet, it can become angry. If it then learns that pancakes are on tonight’s menu, it immediately is happy again. Also disagreements with playmates can be very intense, but also be resolved within minutes, after which the child will happily play on with the playmate in question as if nothing has happened. This is the human natural state of being for our emotions. They do not have to last long. As adults, we have forgotten this. During a session you remember and experience how easily and safely you can welcome your emotions.

Back to your essence

Another valuable aspect of a journey session is experiencing your essence of your being. Brandon Bays calls this the Source experience, as this is a neutral name, not related to any particular religion. A Source experience is best compared to moments in life where you feel closest to your true human potential. For instance, when you fully enjoy a moment of flying a kite with your child at the beach, when you experience a feeling of freedom when you do something that makes you happy, such as preparing a lovely meal with your friends or when you are momentarily not busy in thought and are quietly enjoying a peaceful day.

Clients have called the characteristics of their essence of Source as: freedom, peace, being as one with everything, unconditional love, strength, happiness, dancing void, light, quiet or eternal silence. Whatever the experience, or whatever name we give it, it strengthens the immune system, stimulates the self-healing capacity of our body and releases tension, letting us relax. This experience supports the further development of the process and is a valuable addition for the rest of our lives.


(A quote from Nelson Mandela, from the film Invictus):

Forgiveness starts here.

Forgiveness liberates the soul.

It removes fear.

That is why it is such a powerful weapon.

We have long known that forgiveness plays an important role in letting go of emotional baggage. Forgiveness towards others, yourself or certain character traits. The same is true for expressing issues that have had to remain unspoken. Both have a liberating effect.

During the visualisation people that are associated with the memory are invited and from both your and their perspective, you will be given the opportunity to express yourself and to relive the memory.

Inner resources

You will expose inner resources and learn to use them, as well as transform old convictions that no longer serve you to healing and supporting convictions. Both This applies to the you at the time of the memory and the present you. Patterns can be broken this way.

After treatment, the receptors can open again, allowing the emotions to flow away and the cellular metabolism to be restored. This has a big positive effect on both physical and mental health.

Integrating the acquired wisdom and experiences gained in the session are an important aspect in concluding a Journey.

For this you write yourself a letter with practical advise on how to apply this in your daily life.

For who

A journey is suitable for adults, adolescents and children over the age of 5 years old. If you want to focus on an emotional issue, a persistent pattern, a physical issue or if you wish to support yourself in your personal development, a Journey session can help you.

Examples of issues for which people take Journey sessions are dealing with loss, abuse, work or relationship related problems, depression, burn-out, stress, sleeping problems, addictions, anxieties, tiredness, upbringing issues, and physical problems. Even if you are not struggling with a specific problem or if your issue is not mentioned here, a Journey session can prove beneficial. Sometimes it’s simply nice to have an inner cleaning or tidying up session.




Sardinia Island Yoga focusses on creating beautiful retreats together with you through Kundalini Yoga teachings & meditation, personal outdoor coaching and Journey sessions. All in an amazing place surrounded by nature and sea. Personal growth, professional guidance and integrity are highly valuated by me.